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.Thursday, November 27, 2008 ' 8:59 PM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

oh ya..
juz wanna check out wad school you guys wanna go..

this is wad i put...

1 [ Chung Cheng High ] (main)
2 [ Chung Cheng High ] (yishun)
3 [ Maris Stella High ]
4 [ Zhong Hua Sec ]
5 [ Angolo Chinese Sec ]
6 [ Anderson sec ]

May i know wad skool u guys chose? leave it at the cbox^^ Tys

[Jr] Keiiith

. ' 8:14 PM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

Kays,goin to Australia tonight...(Again??)Now,imma going to Brisbane,( My keyboard broke a moment ago...Fixed it^^ok,after brisbane,im goin to goldcoast

Yays!!! going to movie world and dream world XD.Haven't been there before.Excited lolx.But somehow,still abit sian leh..Now,i kinda not looking forward to going..Almost 2weeks...i'll be GONE for 2 weeks?wth?

i miss my frends leh...Jia Ho wanna come my house. PS:Jia Ho,u can come to my house after i come back from Aussie.

Fine la,today wake up at10.30am.Nothing to do,so i got hooked on the computer.Anyway,leaving for brisbane at 9.30pm tonight....Bleh!

Oh well,i guess this may be my last post before i leave.

[Jr]keiiiith XD

.Tuesday, November 18, 2008 ' 10:24 PM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

Mum dun let me use com...
i tou tou play de,she is sleeping now,so i play awhile.

Ok,now wat?Nothing lor,changed my blog skin.
Ahhh,finally found a suitable one.Any objections?if there is,leave it @ the cbox^^i be glad to listen to ur objections XD

.Monday, November 17, 2008 ' 6:11 AM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

3 miserable Days had passed...Nothing happen at home..( As Usual )

Gettin to miss my frends more..haiiizz...Time pass so fast de == sian lor..
Intend to go bowling with Jia ho they all...Perhaps,i need to...Forget it lars.

Ok,what now,when out with mum,my sis and my bro.Went to a traditional restaurant called 'Beng Seng' or something.( The name may not be right,i think i forgotten abit... ) Ate alot of good FOo0D.tasty lolx.Guess the bill how much?$ 90++.

Later,we met our Aunt at Paragon,we shopped for some xmas things.U know,i like toys the marhx.( Im not childish horhx...Let me tell you >< I juz somehow got a interest for toys ^^)Lolx?

Go toy shop see,wher got dun buy ders,i bought a figurine XD,den,go Takashimaya,Robinsons....Alot of places la...Walk until i wanna faint...Siiian!!

Grrrr,forget it,I g2g now.Byes...Talk about it tommoro.


.Sunday, November 16, 2008 ' 7:17 AM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

Walao!!! I changed my blogskin 18 times liaox...Still cant find a suitable one lolx...

The first few was bugged... Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Up...I tried many times..still cant.

Eh!!!Melissa Heng... be on9 leh == i need ur help in my cbox....

Wtf??I cant believe it.

. ' 6:41 AM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

Somehow,a strange feeling came upon me....i cant express nor say out the feeling...

2 days had passed with out my friends...Boring...Wad to do??I was kinda missing teacher's lessons...

I remembered once...Our group was quite mischievious.U know wad?

We gave our teacher Ms low a name.Melissa came out with it first(im not putting the blame on u.Just typing it out * No Offence)We called ms low ' X eye bull frog'

'Maow' wth??And during Wu laoshi lesson,Wad me and Jia Ho did was that we talk very loud.XD..."Walao Wu Shit always like that de...Not fair"That was wad jia ho always said.Now, wad happen was that we missed her lesson.

I would'nt mind if she let us sit on the floor if we cound turn the time back.

And something i wan to say to u Mrs Tan,if u ever came across my blog,i want to say im really sorry.i made alot of noise in the class.When i scored very badly,u are the only teacher that could really motivate me.Really^^I cant stand it without ur lessons.

Ms low,i know you are leaving the school.I am now biding farewell to you.I wish and the other teachers that taught me the best of health and good luck in your career.I will never forget all the teachers that taught.All the UPs and DOWNs i had experienced.I am sorry to those who i bullied in the past...

~Keith~Was here

. ' 6:34 AM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

My new post since i last posted...

Six years of my life had passed...I finally got my certificate and graduated from Ai Tong.How nice lolx....
Recently,i went to the cluster s7 scrabble competition.i got 2 gold medal..

Lets change the topic bahs...Haiiizz siiian...
without my frenz is really bored..I feeeel kinda sad.
Just two days ago,i receieved a email from NEXON INC. Guess wad? They asked me to be a GM worhs...

I damm stupid de leh...go turn them down.i said i dunwan.wth??Graduated from Ai Tong.Wad to do?Nothing much.i kept thinking of my friends at home.I thought of the laughter we shared together.Thinking over it,i let out some tears.Why must things turn put this way???

Damn it la...Maplestory suddenly cannot play...wth? LOLX!!!

U happy rite...I have never thought of it...my frends are all gone,leaving me alone behind....

I was here...


Name? Age? Birthday? School?
It's all about you!


Trip to Antartica
New ballet shoes
Outdo twin sis in Biology
A gazillion $$.

Whatever you wish for.

Recommend Cbox!




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Basecodes ;; %PURPUR.black-
Image ;; Photobucket ; Paint

Don't touch the credits, thank yous! (: