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.Friday, January 30, 2009 ' 5:00 AM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

Officially joined the National Cadet Crops Air Unit ( NCC AIR ) tdy...Well,at first it was quite ok la...Did some footdrills.They,The I/C juz Blah Blah Blah Blah...

After doing those for abt?err 1hr?We went to the classroom and did some briefing.That 2nd SGT Jun Liang keep asking" u all SIAN anot?SIAN anot? Answer me!"Den we juz nod our head..==
Ok la,wasn't too bad until the PT (physical training)part...Did alot and Alot and Super ALOT of exercise...Ran round the School twice,i think we ran 1.6m..Suddenly,Sgt Major Firman say"Pumping position change"20 pumping at once...Walao.whole body sweat==..

Finish lia0 still got parade...After everything 7pm liao...Went to the MRT station with kuan en..
Nth to say anymore.bb!!

.Thursday, January 29, 2009 ' 3:04 AM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

. ' 3:02 AM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

This Is ME In JIAHO's MASK ^^

. ' 2:47 AM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....

English Teacher gave us a topic to write on,this is the topic...

Air Pollution and Water Pollution
What we discussed above are examples of air pollution. Another major concern is water pollution. The discharge of toxic substances into rivers as waste products of factories is a major cause of water pollution. Water pollution is also caused by harmful bacteria and other pathogens introduced into the water system by human sewage and other animal waste. When these bacteria enter the human or animal it causes water borne diseases some of which can be lethal.
Land Pollution - Environmental Pollution
Besides air pollution and water pollution, the urban life style of man also causes land pollution. The large amount of waste produced in order to support modern man's urban life style has lead to an alarming increase in land pollution. This waste is dumped into ever increasing land fills around the cities. The chemicals contained within these waste products often take years to decompose into harmless substances. They often leak into the environment, causing damage to soil and polluting water bodies. Urban lifestyles demand more energy (such as electricity), fresh water and raw material for building an ever increasing number of new products. This leads to increase in deforestation, increased mining for coal, oil and other minerals. The end result is that the world is getting more and more polluted year by year. There are other forms of pollution also, such as those caused by an increase in noise, light and heat levels. It is clear that the above cycle of increasing pollution has to stop or it will soon lead to very harsh conditions for life to exist on earth and eventual destruction of all life forms on earth.
Effective methods for controlling Pollution - Pollution Monitoring and Control
The factories should use newer processes that produce no toxic or less toxic waste. There should be a greater emphasis on re-cycling of products. When a product is discarded, most of its components should be re-used in the manufacturing of the same or other new products. There should be an increase in the number of conservation techniques, for example rain water harvesting in areas that receive less rainfall and experience fresh water shortage. There should be a greater reliance on natural resources such as solar energy, wind power, hydroelectric power to meet energy requirements. The government should take strong measures to implement its policies for such pollution reduction techniques. Also research for creating new natural and renewable energy products should be encouraged.
More Environmental Pollution Information
Environmental pollution is on the increase. Exhaust emissions from vehicles are adversely affecting the air quality in cities. Toxic elements have started entering the food chain. Inefficient water management is leading to increase in various communicable and water-borne diseases. Solutions devised to protect and regenerate the environment have not shown any tangible results so far. Industries, power generation plants, automobiles are the major cause of air pollution. Some of the highly polluting industries are metal smelting, cement, dyes, fertilizers, steel, leather, pesticides, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, paper, and refineries. Serious health problems are caused by the presence of fly ash in the air. Since fly ash production is only going to increase rapidly, the situation is only going to get worse. Fly ash is responsible for air pollution and wastage of land that could be used to grow crops. This same fly ash can be put to good use for building roads and pavements. It can be used to fill mines and make cement. Although technology is available to put fly ash to good use it is hardly being used for this purpose. Small scale industries located in residential areas are also major causes of pollution and related health risks. The government should have an incentive scheme for industries that install pollution control devices. Certain areas have crossed the maximum limit for allowable pollution while some areas can bear an additional pollution load. The government should identify such areas and carry out pollution carrying capacity studies of these areas. Despite the worsening environmental situation, developing countries like India cannot afford to discourage expansion of industries or reduce automobile production. Here is what can be done:
Solutions for controlling Pollution
We need to adopt a clean technology or environmentally friendly technology. Such technology is also more efficient as clearly demonstrated by Japan. Such technology ensures optimal utilization of natural resources and adopts a preventive rather than a corrective approach towards pollution. Green belts, natural parks should be developed. Vacant land should not be released for additional industrial or commercial activity.

BlahBLahBlahBlah...And this was wad i did for POLLUTION ^^

I played a new game called SOLDIER FRONT.Very Nic3 and interesting game.Highly recommended for guys :) i gave it a rating of 8.5/10 Try it @ http://sfront.ijji.com/

.Saturday, January 3, 2009 ' 4:23 AM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....


. ' 4:19 AM Y
i've been crying since the day you left.....


Name? Age? Birthday? School?
It's all about you!


Trip to Antartica
New ballet shoes
Outdo twin sis in Biology
A gazillion $$.

Whatever you wish for.

Recommend Cbox!




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